
December 2024 – Welcome to our 2024/2025 Snowmobile Season

Thanks to an Adventurous group of volunteers who at the end of last season (March 2024), delivered a stove better suited for the size of Yamahut Shelter, via a very “SLIPPERY” Sherwood Road. Final installation will be completed this season when the ice on Minkaduza Lake is safe to cross. 

The balmy 2024 fall weather made for enjoyable work of repairing, upgrading, replacing and brushing around signs where our snowmobile trails cross roads and at junctions. 

Some land accessible trails were also cleared of fallen trees by our dedicated volunteers. 

For whatever reason, the stop ahead and stop signs seem to disappear, so replacing them is important from a trail safety stand point. 

In November 2024 volunteers delivered and stacked “PRECIOUS” firewood to 3 warm-up shelters – Witch Bay Shelter, Enn’s Shelter and HiTrac Shelter. 

Since our 6 warm-up shelters are located significant distances from The City, the “PRECIOUS” firewood is key to rider safety in providing a warm place to stop in case of breakdowns or unforeseen situations. 

On that note, due to the locations of our warm-up shelters, there is NO Garbage or Recycle PICKUP. 

After enjoying a hot dog or smokie cooked on the woodstove and interacting with other riders, it would be greatly appreciated if all riders take home anything they don’t eat or drink, leaving the shelter in a welcome state for the next riders who stop to enjoy. 

In December 2024 the 2 Snowmobile Staging Area signs were installed, 1 located in the parking lot across from the A & W and the other at the parking lot at Garrow Park. THANKS to the City of Kenora these Outstanding 4’ x 8’ signs are a map of our 623 km trail system and provide a bird’s-eye view of warm-up shelter locations, junction names and locations, trail numbers and destination distances. 

There has been another change to the trail through town on Hwy 17. The routing is such to avoid trespassing on the mall parking lot.      Riders please watch for the signs marking the trail route. 

With the co-operation of Mother Nature, our volunteers are looking forward to an early start to our snowmobile/recreation season, utilizing the newly acquired RTV side-be-side/trail groomer combo and trailer to move the equipment to various grooming locations. 

STR is very thankful for the grant funds from NOHFC (Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation) and the valued support from NWOSTA (North Western Ontario Snowmobile Trails Association) and the City of Kenora, for making this equipment purchase a reality. 

To acknowledge the support we have received from the City of Kenora, later in the snowmobile season we plan to schedule a sled gathering at the staging area across from the A & W.  Please stay tuned. 

Sunset Trailriders is always looking for volunteers, be it for clearing and brushing trails, installing lake stakes, repairing or replacing signs and any other required work.  

The great part about VOLUNTEERING is you can choose to do it on your own, choose to do it with your partner, choose to do it with your family or choose to do it with a friend. 

Volunteering is fun                                      WORK 

Learning something new is                         EMPOWERING 

Interacting with different people is an     ADVENTURE 

Making an improvement or change is      REWARDING 

Contact us at                               sunsettrailriders.ca   

Go to                                            About STR (Tab)     

Scroll down to the                    Volunteer! 

                                                      complete Name and Email Address                                                                         

                                                      Sign Up 

WEAR Can You Have A Better Time Than Riding The Snowmobile Trails!! 

Welcome” the enjoyable snowmobile season 

Embrace” the beauty of Nature accessible while snowmobiling 

Absorb” the freedom of snowmobiling 

Respect” the work volunteers do on snowmobile trails 


SEE YOU ON THE TRAILS             

Please ensure you Buy Where You Ride

Select Sunset Trail Riders as your club

during your online permit purchase.


2025 Ontario Snowmobile Trail Permits are now available online at https://permits.ofsc.on.ca!!

You will be happy to note that there is no fee increase this season but purchasing now through November 1st is the best value for your money and  fees are in effect until November 1st.*

Your permit purchase supports club volunteer efforts and investments into the provincial snowmobile trail network through groomer acquisitions and refurbishment, infrastructure maintenance and replacement, trail preparation and grooming operations.

See you on the trails this year!!

*permit terms and conditions available online at ofsc.on.ca

Are your kids trained?

Driver training courses are available in areas across Ontario. 

Trail Report

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The route is not available at this time, access is prohibited and anyone entering the property may be trespassing.


Access to the identified route is limited with marginal riding opportunities, snowmobilers enter with the understanding that they should exercise extreme care and reduce speed.


The identified route is accessible with the understanding that the trail will likely vary considerably in quality, attributes and terrain over it’s length.

For specific trail availability details,

always consult the OFSC Interactive Trail Guide (ITG)

prior to accessing snowmobiles trails.

(Updated Every Friday)


A Pipeline Trail

NO GAS available

at Stewart Lake

Kenora To Stewart Lake

Est. 57 kms / 36 miles

*See HITRAC Warm-up

shelter on L102

A Kenora Town Corridor

A/A113A Jct to A/L104 Jct

Est. 19 kms / 11.7 miles

A Kenora to Falcon Lake (MB)

Kenora to Falcon Lake (MB)

Est. 58 kms / 36 miles

Enns Brothers Warm-Up

shelter (Rush Bay)
GPS Location:
N 49.39723 W 94.56604


A/A113A Jct to

Sioux Narrows


A/A113A Jct to A113A/L108 Jct

(Via LOTW and Hydroline Trail)

Est. 65kms/41 miles 

Witch Bay Warm-up shelter
GPS Location:
N 49.59720 W 94.18380
L101 West Hawk Trail

L105/L101 Jct to Longpine Lake

(Manitoba Border)

(West Hawk Lake)

Est. 50kms / 31 miles 

YamaHut Warm-up shelter (Minkaduza Lake)
GPS Location:
N 49.44585 W 94.54581
L102 Stewart Lake Trail

NO GAS available

at Stewart Lake

A113A/L102 Jct to A/L102 Jct

Est. 54 kms/34 miles

HiTrac Warm-up shelter
(Rail Lake)

GPS Location:
N 49.81468 W 93.78148

L103 Snook Lake Trail

L104/L103 Jct to Tomahawk &

Barbie’s Warm-up shelter

Est. 51 kms/32 miles 

Tomahawk & Barbie’s

Warm-up shelter

GPS Location:
N 50.10795 W94.43923

L104 Redditt Trail

A/L104 Jct to Redditt

Est. 24 kms/14.9 miles 

L105 McKenzie Trail

A/L105 Jct to Keewatin

Est. 22 kms/14 miles

L106M North West Angle Trail

Passport Required

to enter USA

L101/L106M Jct to Youngs Bay (USA)

Est. 61 kms / 38 miles

L107 Dogtooth Trail

A113A / L107 Jct to L102/L107 Jct

Est. 33 kms/ 20 miles 

L108 Dryberry Trail

L102/L108 Jct to A113A/ L108 Jct

(Sioux Narrows)

Est. 42 kms/ 26 miles 

Dick & Dolly’s Warm-up

shelter( near Dryberry Lake)
GPS Location:
N 49.37105 W 93.59099

L109 Longbow Trail

L107/L109 Jct to A/L109 Jct

Est. 22 kms/14 miles 

L110 Sunset Channel Trail

A113A/L110 Jct to L110/L106M Jct

(Hydroline Trail to North West 

Angle Trail)

Est. 54 kms / 33 miles


French Portage Narrows


Passport required

to enter USA

L110 /L 111M Jct to Oak Island (USA)

(SunsetChannel Trail to Oak Island USA)

Est. 25 kms / 15 miles 

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